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Being a horrifying flesh eating tentacle monster is not what I expected from a game about protecting a forest, but boy is it pretty cool.

Gem of a game sir. Beat multiple times and has become another side quick play for me at work. Cheers & Great job! 😉 

Liked the game.  One thing I'd improve is to add some indication on boss room doors. Often they're right at the spawn area, or I just not readdy to deal with boss yet, but I can incidently encounter him anyway.

As a rogue-like you'd be diminishing the game for all if you removed this option. 1st clear easy side paths & monster pits before taking on possible boss doors.

Biding of Isaak has indication of boss and other special rooms, it only adds an another layer of stretegic thinking: am I strong enough to fight boss at the moment? should I risk spending resouces to get upgrades? how exactly should I spend my resources?... also it minimizes the ammount of mindles wandering on the map.

Your game is quiet different from the Binding of Isaac though... IDK, it just feels a bit unfare when I was dying from bosses for the said reason.

wow, another amazing rogue like... got good taste! Use similar strategy tho if you want to win at this, I have several times now. Still can't believe he made in <7d!

Really enjoyed this, thankyou very much. Still can't get past level 3 through. Levelling talents is not rewarding enough.

Excellent game, really having some trouble getting past level 3 though. The mechanic of naturalizing is awesome, really gives a lot of flavor to the game. If there is one thing I could say I needed more it would be more variety of the new learned skills. The art style was really great as well, simple yet very expressive and coherent


if you find the game window too small, in desktop version alt + enter to full screen it, helps a whole lot.


Beat it! This was sooo fun. Inspired mechanics + setting :)

Now to catch up on sleep...